Monday, March 9, 2009

The City

I have no camera because it broke, but i found this old picture from when i went to New York a while ago.  I am sure there is a lot of physics in this picture like center of mass or acceleration or light like the stuff we'll be doing next quarter,  but i am going to focus on the topics we have just learned about in physics.  I noticed there are many many beauuutiiiiiful lights in time square and i thought about electromagnets.  We learned that if there is an electric current flowing through something, the object is electromagnetic.  I am going to assume these lights are typical light bulbs and they are not led or neon or whatever else or if they are, then they have a current running through them.  Anyway, because there is an electric current through the light bulbs, there is an electromagnetic field surrounding the light bulbs.  Because there is an electro magnetic field surrounding all these lights and because there are so many lights, if a technologically illiterate tourist were to use a compass in time square, it may not work.  The magnetic pull of the electromagnetic field from the light will misdirect the compass needle from the "north" pole, therefore, leaving the tourist distressed and lost in the humungous, and unfamiliar city.

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